JUXTAPOZ / MAGAZINE 2010年7月号 #114


『JUXTAPOZ』 2010年7月号 #114

日本の雑誌にも度々取り上げられ、NIKEともコラボし世界的に有名な双子のブラジル人グラフィティ・アーティストOs Gemeos(バンドルフォ兄弟)の特集です。カバー表紙も彼らの作品です。
他にはTOY MACHINEの社長Ed Templetonの奥さんでフォトグラファーのDeanna Templeton、『アメリカン・スプレンダー』の著者として有名なコミックライターHarvey Pekar、JUXTAPOZではお馴染みのGreg Gossel、近年はSUPREMEとのコラボも行ったShadowmanで有名なアメリカ・ストリート・アートの重鎮Richard Hambleton、モデル、俳優、監督として成長著しいMatthew Gray Gublerなど。



Its been half a decade since we last saw the Brazilian twins, Os Gemeos, on the cover of Juxtapoz. But they are back for July 2010, their work getting bigger and more experimental over time. We have an exclusive interview with Os Gemeos about growing up in Sao Paulo, their childhood, their family, and the fantasy world they have created and continue to paint today. We also catch up with Deanna Templeton about her last museum show in Germany, talk to Greg Gossel about his newest show in San Francisco, converse with American Splendor comic artist, Harvey Pekar, about his newest online project, have an exclusive with the normally reclusive Richard Hambleton, look at the penguins of Alexone, and see the artwork of actor Matthew Gray Gubler. Its like one big midsummer's art dream.